Cold Sores & Cankers in Victoria

Cold Sores & Cankers Near You

What are Cold Sores?

Also known as fever blisters, cold sores can cause extreme discomfort if not treated properly. They can occur on the lips, and also on the gums. They are visible inflammations that can lead to embarrassment, affect one’s confidence or disrupt major plans in life like a wedding. To get rid of cold sores in a fast and effective manner you can consult us for treating them using laser technology. We can help you get rid of cold sores using laser treatment in as less time as ninety seconds!


Laser Treatment of Cold Sores and Cankers

Dr. Pite is a dentist in Victoria who treats cold sores and cankers using lasers. It is possible to now get rid of lesions using laser in 90 seconds.

There are some major advantages to using a laser on a cold sore:

  • No anesthesia needed
  • Can decrease the pain, oozing, bleeding, and unsightly appearance of the cold sore.
  • May prevent the cold sore from coming back as often

Laser treatment for cold sores is painless and is very effective. The laser beam used in the process instantly reduces redness of the gums and also the pain associated with the inflammation. Laser treatment for cold sores has successfully replaced many traditional methods such as medications which cannot produce instant results. Cold sores are often caused by Herpes Simplex I virus. This virus can cause irreparable damage to the condition of the gums if it is not treated on time.

As laser treatment is fast, painless and relatively affordable getting cold sores treated with it has proven to be the most effective procedure so far.
