Sedation Dentistry in Victoria
Sedation Dentistry Near You
Common dental anxiety can pose a significant threat to good oral health by causing patients to hesitate or neglect to pursue dental treatment. Through the use of dental sedation techniques, Dr. Pite can help you overcome anxiety and comfortably receive the care that you need. With extensive training in a hospital setting, Dr. Pite provides sedation dentistry solutions at our Victoria dental clinic to address even the most challenging cases.
During Dr. Pite’s university years, he was a member of the University of Western Ontario (UWO), Student Emergency Response Team (SERT). During these six years of participation with the team, Dr. Pite would be on call every week while on campus to provide 24hr emergency medical care as a team of three personnel to the 40,000+ students and staff at UWO. SERT maintained First Responder level training for burn/trauma, defibrillation and airway management. During these years, Dr. Pite also served as a first aid instructor and furthermore received training in the Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support course for advanced trauma care.
IV Sedation
- As the name suggests, intravenous (IV) sedation is administered intravenously, producing an almost immediate feeling of pronounced relaxation. Dr. Pite has received hospital training in IV sedation, and he has been administering it to patients for more than eight years. IV sedation delivers the most predictable results and helps you achieve a state of twilight sleep. In other words, you are deeply relaxed, but not quite asleep. After treatment, patients rarely have any memory of their experience. You should plan to have a friend or loved one drive you home following treatment.
Benefits of IV Sedation
- Completing full mouth treatment in one appointment
- Dental treatments without fear/anxiety
- Controlling your gag reflex
- Great for people struggling to sit still or people who cannot tolerate sitting for long periods of time.
Oral Sedation
- Patients who receive oral sedation are provided with a small pill an hour before their scheduled appointment. The medication triggers a feeling of immense relaxation, and some patients end up feeling quite drowsy and falling asleep before their treatment ends. The dose that’s administered depends on your preferences, weight, and size. Therefore, we recommend having someone bring you to the clinic and take you home afterward.
Benefits of Oral Sedation
- Simple to administer
- A safe process
- A non-invasive method
- Patients have little recollection of the appointment, which helps those dealing with anxiety
Nitrous Oxide
- Nitrous oxide is an odourless, colourless gas provided to patients to stop them from feeling discomfort. The effects of this form of sedation kicks in quickly and wear off within minutes. Nitrous oxide is widely referred to as “laughing gas” due to the euphoric sensation that patients experience. Once your appointment concludes, you can drive home without any issues.
Benefits of Nitrous Oxide
- Fast-acting and short-acting
- No needles are required
- You’ll stay awake during the treatment so you can answer questions if needed
- Reduces anxiety for patients of all ages