Root Canal Therapy in Victoria
Root Canal Therapy Near You
When is a Root Canal Treatment Needed?
When decay and infection cause damage to the nerve and pulp of a tooth, a root canal treatment is performed. Common symptoms that indicate a possible need for root canal treatment are:
- Consistent pain (may include throbbing) in the tooth area
- Pain caused by the pressure of chewing or as an extended reaction to contact with hot and cold temperatures
- Tender, swollen gums
- Discoloration
- The appearance of a pimple on the gums
What Does the Treatment Entail?
What Can I Expect My Root Canal Recovery to Be Like?
You will experience instant pain relief after your root canal treatment. During your root canal recovery, chewing on the affected side of the mouth should be avoided until the filling or final restoration is completed. Your tooth may be sensitive for a couple of days following the procedures. Any discomfort you experience can be easily managed through the use of over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen. Your oral health routine should continue as usual and should include brushing, flossing, and rinsing.
The root canal treatment has a success rate of 83-93% and will often last a lifetime as long as a proper restoration is placed on top of it.