Wisdom Teeth Removal in Victoria

Wisdom Teeth Removal Near You

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that tend to appear after adolescence (when a person is more “wise” — thus the name “wisdom teeth”). Their emergence can be painful, resulting in impacted wisdom teeth or damaged tooth alignment if allowed to come in fully. In fact, wisdom teeth removal is called for in 85% of dental cases.

Why is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

Poor alignment and impaction are the two main reasons wisdom teeth removal becomes necessary. When the final set of molars erupts (grows in) at an angle, it sometimes pushes on nearby straight teeth, altering their alignment. This is painful and can cause damage to neighbouring teeth, as well as injure nerves and the jawbone. Impacted wisdom teeth result from either the last set of molars developing but failing to erupt — instead remaining encased in the jaw’s soft tissue — or from only partially erupting, creating a passageway for bacteria to get into the soft tissue.


Typically, the earlier the need for wisdom teeth removal is identified, the better; early removal can prevent damage to neighboring healthy teeth, bone, gum tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.


Some have the fortune of avoiding problems such as impacted wisdom teeth altogether, but in the worst cases, gum infections, jawbone cysts, and bone loss can occur. Therefore, Dr. Pite often recommends wisdom teeth removal.
Though there is no “right” age to have your wisdom teeth removed, the surgery and healing from it are much easier at a younger age. Wisdom teeth extraction is typically recommended between the ages of 12 and 25. Removal may become necessary if Dr. Pite sees potential for complications should the teeth begin to grow in.
At Oak Bay Dental Clinic, we offer a multitude of comfortable options that make the removal of your wisdom teeth a calm and relaxing experience. Dr. Pite removes the teeth skillfully and gently, then provides medications and follow-up information that ensure a speedy, easy, pain-free recovery.
To learn more about our wisdom teeth removal services or to schedule a consultation, call Oak Bay Dental Clinic today at 250-592-3013.